Beauty World

About the Project

In the captivating realm of cosmetic enhancements, We played a pivotal role in shaping the visual identity of Beauty World, a clinic specializing in a myriad of cosmetic services for women. From crafting a distinctive logo to designing engaging content for social media platforms, I aimed to capture the essence of Beauty World’s commitment to enhancing natural beauty. The result is a cohesive branding strategy that mirrors the clinic’s dedication to providing top-notch cosmetic solutions and a personalized touch to every client.
Crafted as part of the collaboration with Lir Branding Studio


Beauty World is more than just a cosmetic clinic; it’s a haven for women seeking personalized beauty solutions. In my role, We strived to translate the clinic’s story into visual elements, reflecting its diverse range of cosmetic services. Beauty World’s brand story unfolds as a narrative of empowerment, self-expression, and a commitment to enhancing natural beauty through a range of expert services.


Focused on empowering women through cosmetic enhancements, Beauty World operates in the dynamic field of cosmetic clinics. The brand thrives in an industry where personalized beauty solutions and expert services are paramount, ensuring a confident and satisfied clientele.